05.03.2025 TIME: 12:00 %50 Shelled Hazelnut Price Gross: 127,65 TL/KG Net: 125,00 TL/KG

Hasbil Agricultural Products Since 1988

Benefits of Hazelnut

Benefits of Hazelnut on Human Health

  • It is a very good source of energy; it strengthens the body and provides energy for it.
  • It relieves body and mind fatigue.
  • Hazelnut is very beneficial for cardiovascular health.
  • It lowers the cholesterol level and helps regulate heart rhythm.
  • Hazelnut consumption on a daily basis is very effective in reducing the risk of a heart attack.
  • It is good against anemia, also it supports body and bone development.
  • It is very beneficial for pregnant women to eat hazelnuts both for themselves and for their children to be born.
  • Hazelnut has an aphrodisiac effect.
  • It is good against varix problems.
  • Hazelnut is beneficial for the body against colds and lung diseases.
  • Also, it is known for its contribution to skin beauty.
  • The most important feature of hazelnut is that it is very beneficial against anemia.

Nutrient values of hazelnut (100 g hazelnut kernels)

T.R. Ministry of agriculture and forestry hazelnut research institute directorate

1 Humidity (g) 4.60
2 Protein (g) 14.10
3 Fat (g) 63.50
4 Carbs (g) 15,8
5 Total nitrogen (g) 2.66
6 Sodium (mg) 6.00
7 Potassium (mg) 730.00
8 Calcium (mg) 140.00
9 Magnesium (mg) 160.00
10 Phosphorus (mg) 300.00
11 Copper (mg) 1.23
12 Zinc (mg) 2.10
13 Manganese (mg) 4.90
14 Iron (mg) 3.20
15 Sulfur (mg) 120.00
16 Chlorine (mg) 18.00
17 Iodine (µg) 17.00
18 Thiamin (B1 vit.) (mg) 0.43
19 Riboflavin (B2 vit.) (mg) 0.16
20 Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.59
21 Vitamin E (mg) 24.98
22 Total sugar (g) 4.00
23 Glucose (g) 0.20
24 Fructose (g) 0.10
25 Sucrose (g) 3.70
26 Energy(kcal) 691
27 Ash 2,00