27.03.2025 TIME: 08:00 %50 Shelled Hazelnut Price Gross: 132,70TL/KG Net: 130,00 TL/KG
  • Scientific Name: Corylus avellana L. & Corylus maxima Mill
  • Composition: The remaining hazelnut kernels after the cracking of the shell of the shelled hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L. & Corylus maxima Mill). 100% natural hazelnut kernels.
  • Nature: Hazelnut kernels are obtained by cracking the shelled hazelnuts, separating the kernels from the shells, selecting and packaging them.
  • Genuine Origins: Levant, Giresun, Akçakoca
  • Size: 9/11 mm, 11/13 mm, 13/15 mm, 14/16 mm or any size from 9-16 mm, sized at 1 - 2 mm intervals.
  • By-Products: Wrinkled, Cracked.
  • Consumer group: Raw material for industrial facilities, final product for direct consumption, semi-finished or end product for shops.
  • Packaging: 1000 kg big bags, 25 kg kraft sacks, 50 kg and 80 kg jute bags

Production Processes

  • Our hazelnut cracking facility has an annual capacity of 50,000 tons of hazelnut cracking and approximately 25,000 tons of hazelnut kernels production.

Hazelnut Cracking Facility

  • (Factory) Our current facility in Sakarya/Karasu/Adatepe was revised in 2019 and necessary conditions were created for the purchase/sale and storage of shelled hazelnuts, the purchase/sale and storage of hazelnut kernels; and currently, these facilities are used for such purposes. The 1400 square meter indoor area in the same site was revised and converted into a 6 stone-cracking facility for hazelnut kernels production.
  • Our cracking facility produces hazelnut kernels by processing Akcakoca hazelnuts brought from the region to our newly established facility.
  • Our cracking facility also supplies Levant and Giresun hazelnuts, producing them in line with customer demands without compromising their originality and delivering them to customers.
  • Our facility has initiated broad quality assurance and food safety efforts as of 2020 and aims to lead the sector with its experience in a short time.
  • Our company has worked for the purchase, sale and processing of organic hazelnuts and has obtained the ECO CERT certificate. As Hasbil Tarım, we purchase organic hazelnuts and process these hazulnuts in our facility and export these products in line with customer expectations.

Take a closer look at the journey of hazelnut

Discover the journey of hazelnut closely by reading our comprehensive articles about the benefits of hazelnut, the history of hazelnut and the hazelnut trade in the globe.

Hazelnut Kernels