22.01.2025 TIME: 09:00 %50 Shelled Hazelnut Price Gross: 130,20 TL/KG Net: 127,50 TL/KG
  • Scientific Name: Corylus avellana L. & Corylus maxima Mill
  • Composition: It is the hard-shelled part obtained by collecting the junctional hazelnut and removing it from the junction. It is 100% natural shelled hazelnut.
  • Nature: Pre-cleaned and calibrated shelled hazelnuts.
  • Genuine Origins: Levant, Giresun, Akçakoca
  • Size: Any size over 11 mm and over 19 mm (FOŞA)
  • Consumer group: Raw materials and semi-finished products for the industrial facilities. The end product for the end consumer.
  • Packaging: 80 kg jute bags

Production Processes

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Shelled Hazelnut