05.03.2025 TIME: 12:00 %50 Shelled Hazelnut Price Gross: 127,65 TL/KG Net: 125,00 TL/KG

Hasbil Agricultural Products Since 1988

Quality Policies

In line with the objective of being a leading company in the Shelled Hazelnut and Hazelnut Kernels industry, our quality policy is:

  • To provide a hygienic environment for the purchase, production, storage, and shipment of raw materials.
  • To produce customer-oriented, legally compliant, genuine products that prioritize food safety, by monitoring all procedures of pre-production, production, and post-production stages.
  • To struggle against the challenges regarding food safety culture together with all units of our company.
  • To maximize and ensure quality assurance and food safety through continuous training and efforts for awareness.
  • To ensure the integration and sustainability of our products under all conditions.
  • To prevent problems before they occur by providing control at every stage of the food chain and to provide effective communication with all organizations in the food chain.
  • To comply with Quality Assurance and Food Safety requirements, BRC Food, IFS Food, ISO 9001, ISO 22000 conditions, and related national and global legislations.
  • To provide a more habitable environment for future generations by creating environmental awareness, developing energy efficiency and waste management strategies within the scope of environmental responsibility.
  • To establish healthy relations with our employees, customers, and suppliers by prioritizing ethics.
  • To raise awareness of personnel about their own responsibilities and to ensure that they are productive, effective, creative, patient, harmonious individuals who love their profession, are good at teamwork, and do not require follow-up.
  • To contribute to the neutralization of the pandemic by voluntarily applying the changes demanded for the production chain in the process of national and global pandemic.