What is Fertilizer?
Fertilizer is any substance added to the soil to provide the chemical elements necessary for plant nutrition. Plants need elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, boron and in some cases molybdenum in order to grow and survive. Among them, the nitrogen, phosphate and potassium are the most important ones. Fertilizers are substances that contain the nutrients necessary for the growth of plants.
Although soil and water are sufficient to provide most of these nutrients, in many cases the soil and water combination may lack some nutrients. In such cases, the soil should be supplemented with fertilizers.
Benefits of Fertilizer
- It ensures that the plants receive the minerals and elements they need.
- It provides a continuous and effective benefit for the development of plants and for the yield.
- It balances the PH value of the soil, which is very important for plants.
- It improves the quality of the yield and crops and extends the shelf life.
- Quality and natural fertilizers will also increase the mineral richness of the soil and will contribute to a good yield from your crops in the next year.
Fertilizer Dealerships

GÜBRETAŞ (Gübre Fabrikaları Türk A. Ş.)
GÜBRETAŞ was established with the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 6 November 1952 in order to "increase the quality and productivity of Turkish agriculture" by supplying chemical fertilizer input to the agricultural sector. It started production in 1954 with its facilities in İskenderun. These facilities are Turkey's first chemical fertilizer factory.

BAGFAŞ (Bandırma Gübre Fabrikaları A. Ş.)
BAGFAŞ has been with our farmers since 1968; being aware of the importance of agriculture in the Turkey's economy and the importance of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, it provides the Turkish farmers with the best quality fertilizer complying with the international standards with the most affordable price options; the products are supplied from its own production or outsourced for the product types or quantities that it cannot produce; and in this way, it contributes to the development of Turkey.
This devotion connotes the name of BAGFAŞ.

Toros Tarım
Tekfen Agri-Industry Group, which operates under the Toros Tarım brand, is the largest private enterprise in its sector in terms of business volume and market share.
Toros Tarım strengthens its leadership in the fertilizer industry with its wide network of more than 1,250 dealerships and authorized dealers reaching every corner of Turkey.

İGSAŞ (İstanbul Gübre Sanayii A.Ş.)
İGSAŞ provides the fertilizers needed by Turkish farmers and industrialists to the service of Turkish agriculture and
industry with both its production and import activities. İGSAŞ is currently one of the largest industrial establishments in Turkey.
İGSAŞ delivers its products to every agricultural corner of Turkey; in 2004, it joined Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding through privatization.

Gemlik Gübre Sanayi AŞ.
YILDIRIM Group, headquartered in Istanbul, operates in 11 different sectors including metals and mining, fertilizer and chemicals, port management, energy, coal and coke, logistics, maritime, shipbuilding, industrial construction, real estate development, and venture capital.