05.03.2025 TIME: 12:00 %50 Shelled Hazelnut Price Gross: 127,65 TL/KG Net: 125,00 TL/KG

Hasbil Agricultural Products Since 1988

Global Hazelnut Trade

Global Hazelnut Trade

  • Most of the hazelnuts traded in the world (91%) are purchased by European countries and mostly (80%) used in the confectionery and chocolate industry. Between 2000 and 2008, an average of 540 thousand tons of shelled hazelnut trade was achieved, 85% of which was exported by Turkey.
  • Italy, Germany, the United States and Spain are the major exporting countries other than Turkey. The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Hungary and Canada are among the countries that export the imported product although they do not produce hazelnuts.
  • The countries that import the most hazelnuts in the world are: Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Russia, Austria, Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the USA, Spain, Poland, Greece, Denmark.
  • Turkey has exported an average of 200 thousand tons of hazelnut kernels, equivalent to 400,000 tons of shelled hazelnuts, in the last 30 years. In recent years, this amount has increased due to the increase in hazelnut production. In 2010-11 season, 263 thousand tons of hazelnuts were exported, equivalent to 527 thousand tons of shelled hazelnuts.
  • Turkey's exports in the 2011-2012 season are as follows based on the country groups: 74% EU countries, 10% other European countries, 9.5% overseas countries, 6% other countries. Export by countries: 21% Germany, 17% Italy, 14% France, 4% Poland. and 4% Canada
  • Turkey exports hazelnuts as 58% hazelnut kernels, 17% processed whole hazelnuts and 25% further processed hazelnuts. According to the data of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Commerce, hazelnut exports constitute 15-20% of agricultural exports and 2% of general exports. 380 thousand families contribute to hazelnut production in a total area of 700 thousand hectares, in other words, hazelnut provides a livelihood for 3 million people.
  • In the 2012/13 season, exports equivalent to 600 thousand tons of shelled hazelnuts and a revenue of 1.8 billion dollars became a record achieved in the history of the Republic of Turkey.