05.03.2025 TIME: 12:00 %50 Shelled Hazelnut Price Gross: 127,65 TL/KG Net: 125,00 TL/KG

HASBİL became the 32nd largest company among Turkey's Second Top 500 Industrial Enterprises.

HASBİL became the 32nd largest company among Turkey's Second Top 500 Industrial Enterprises.


We Became the 32nd Largest Company.

The roots of Turkey's Top 500 Industrial Enterprises research go back to the 1960s. It was announced to the public for the first time in 1968 as "Top 100 Largest Companies". The scope of the research, in which the previous year's data are announced every year, was increased to 300 organizations in 1978 and to 500 organizations in 1981.

In 1991, in addition to the "Turkey's Top 500 Industrial Enterprises" research, the study "325 Industrial Enterprises Following the Top 500 Industrial Enterprises" was prepared and presented to the public. The scope of this additional study, which was carried out as "250 Industrial Enterprises following the Top 500 Industrial Enterprises" between 1992-1997, was expanded to second top 500 organizations in 1998. Thus, since 1998, data on Turkey's 1000 Largest Industrial Enterprises have been disclosed to the public every year.
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