27.03.2025 TIME: 08:00 %50 Shelled Hazelnut Price Gross: 132,70TL/KG Net: 130,00 TL/KG

Hasbil Agricultural Products Since 1988

Construction Materials

Construction Materials


Kılıçoğlu Kiremit ve Çatı Sistemleri

Kılıçoğlu offers long-lasting solutions to roofs with its products with features far above the standards, alternative tile types and system solutions.


Zümrüt Toprak A.Ş.

Zümrüt Toprak is one of the leading companies in the market with its constantly renewing technology, R&D laboratory and products that follow up-to-date construction techniques. Thanks to our facilities that can produce their own energy, we are sensitive to the environment.


Delta Toprak Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.

Delta Toprak, which was founded in 1969 by businessmen from Düzce, started brick production in 1974. It has continued to manufacture bricks as a regional factory for nearly 10 years.



PAKSAN Paketlenmiş Kireç Sanayi A.Ş.

PAKSAN has combined the quality of raw materials with superior chemical structure and purity and its experience of half a century with modern and advanced technology by fulfilling BAT (Best Available Technology) requirements. With its customer-oriented professional management approach, it has remained in the leading position in the sector and has succeeded in becoming an unreachable quality in lime and has become the indispensable brand of the sector.


Nuh Çimento Grubu

Nuh Cement Group exports cement and clinker to 5 continents thanks to its own port facilities in Hereke, Kocaeli. Nuh Çimento has an underground tunnel with a diameter of 3 meters and a length of 300 meters and a pipe band that allows the exported cement and clinker to be loaded automatically from the factory stock area to the ship's hold via the conveyor.